Easy One-Pot French-Style Scrambled Eggs
Update 11/1/20:
I was watching a video about Cantonese-style scrambled eggs, and the YouTuber used a clip of Gordon Ramsay's scrambled eggs. I realized that this way of cooking scrambled eggs is almost exactly the same as Ramsay's, although I'd never seen the video. The main differences is that he uses a spatula instead of a whisk, doesn't use any turmeric, salts the eggs later, and adds creme fraiche at the end.
I also used a bit of sour cream in my eggs last night to make them creamier, however, I didn't add it at the end like Ramsay. Next time, I'll give that a try.
My favorite type of scrambled eggs are the creamy French-style eggs, cooked very low and slow with a lot of butter. Up until this morning, I've used the Martha Stewart recipe for French-style eggs, melting the butter in a pan, adding the beaten eggs, and cooking slowly, although I usually don't add milk.
Right now, I have a malfunctioning dishwasher, so every recipe is being optimized to use the least amount of dishes. This recipe needs a small saucepan and a small whisk, that's it.
I was inspired to add the solid butter directly to the mixture from this 1755 "buttered eggs" recipe from Townsends. It works just as well if not better than pre-melting the butter.
- 3-4 eggs.
- 1-2 tbsp butter (room temp is best).
- Salt and black pepper to taste.
- A dash of powdered turmeric (optional).
Crack the eggs into a small cold, saucepan. I use my smallest saucepan so the eggs have a little bit of depth for whisking. Don't scramble the eggs yet! Take your whisk and scoop about 1 tbsp of butter up into the tines. If you like more butter, you do you. I tend to use stick butter that's at room temperature. Solid cold butter won't stick in your wisk very well. Also, have a plate or bowl at the ready for your finished eggs.
There's some debate as to whether or not you should season your eggs before cooking or after. I like to add salt and pepper now, and I also like to add an extra ingredient: a little bit of turmeric. I love the bright yellow color that it gives the eggs, and it's also a healthy anti-inflammatory spice. It's also believed that black pepper aids in the absorption of turmeric. If you don't like turmeric, feel free to omit it.
Turn the heat to medium-low and begin whisking together the eggs and butter. The eggs should get scrambled and the chunks of butter will start to incorporate into the mixture and melt. Continually whisk as your saucepan begins to heat up. You want the eggs to very evenly warm up. As soon as the mixture starts to feel thicker and you start to see some small egg curds forming, turn the heat down to low, and keep stirring. Stir in a circle, and also drag your whisk back and forth along the bottom of the pan. You want to make sure that no eggs are sticking to the bottom of the pan. The eggs will continue to get thicker and form small curds very quickly. Keep stirring. Once the eggs have gone from liquid to mostly creamy, take the pan off the heat, and keep stirring. They're going to keep cooking, and there's a very thin line between creamy eggs and overcooked hard eggs. Once the eggs get to the desired consistency, pour them directly into your bowl or plate to stop the cooking process.
One of the hardest parts of this recipe is getting toast and eggs together at the same time. If you make the toast before you start the eggs, the toast will be cold before the eggs are done. If you make the toast after, the eggs will begin to get cold. Because they're cooked at a lower temperature than American-style eggs, they don't get piping hot, so you need to eat them immediately. If you can mise en place your bread before you start cooking the eggs, then one-handed whisk while starting the toaster, you have a chance at hot toast and eggs!